In our daily interactions and dealing with the affairs of life we often encounter people who may not always treat us with kindness. It's easy to retaliate, but is that really the best approach?
People treating you bad irrespective of your good character and attitude towards them is totally unavoidable because people react differently, but the ability for one to handle situation without involving any form of negativity and also treating them well is a virtue one must have. It gives you an edge above others.
A man who can't control his temper is like a nation without gates.
Imagine a nation without gates, there will no law or regulation, citizen do things as they like, the nation will be mannerless and disordered. They will be open to attacks at anytime, it will be filled with chaos, fightings and misunderstanding. Such a nation will lack progress.
A man who reacts to everything in a negative way is not different from this nation, he lacks self control. I often tell people, a man who cannot control himself cannot lead. This is because in the course of leading he'll meet different characters and attitudes. If he cannot control himself first, how does he intend controlling others? Be peaceful, it pays!
Don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are~Rev. Dr Chris Oyakilome Dsc Dsc D. D
Don't treat people because they deserve it, treat people because you are good, don't let the good person in you step aside, because someone hurt you so you want to treat them bad. Be a man of peace, people will respect you even more, people tend to honour you. Being peaceful is a choice and it pays. When you stand to treat people bad, you have to first become bitter, becoming bitter gIves you burden. It gives you weight and unnecessary load, which may bring negative things into your life. Being called a man of peace is one of the highest title one could ever have. Make a decision to be good and peaceful .
When we choose to treat others with kindness, even if they haven't been kind to us, we exercise empathy. Empathy allows us to see things from another person's perspective, understanding that their behavior might be a reflection of their own struggles or pain. By acknowledging this, we can respond with compassion rather than anger or resentment.When we retaliate or respond negatively to someone's bad behavior, we perpetuate a cycle of negativity. This cycle can escalate conflicts and damage relationships. On the other hand, treating others with kindness can break this cycle and create a more positive dynamic environment. By choosing to respond with empathy and understanding, we can diffuse tension and create an opportunity for constructive dialogue.
Kindness can help build trust and strengthen relationships, even with those who may have wronged us. By choosing to treat others with kindness, we cultivate understanding, which can lead to more harmonious relationships.Treating others with kindness, even in difficult situations, can help us develop emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and self-control. Being good can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to respond with kindness and creating a more positive environment.
Some might say being peaceful, people may feel we are weakling,but that is not entirely true. A man of royalty doesn't fight, they handle issues constructively. They use the right measures to handle situation, and they do with wisdom (Not man's wisdom, but the wisdom of God).
In essence , treating others with kindness, even when they may not deserve it, is a powerful choice that can transform our relationships and ourselves. By choosing empathy and compassion over retaliation and anger, we can break the cycle of negativity and create a more positive dynamic environment. Remember, treating others with kindness is not about them; it's about who you are and the kind of environment you want to create. Choose to be Peaceful!
(Man used in thie context isn't just referring to only the male gender but a generalization of both genders)
Jecinta ✍🏽
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(1) Comment
By Ireign 17-Dec-2024
Nice one. Treat people as good as you are. Ireign